modellato a mano, decorazione a piume incise, smalto alla cenere di legna
Cottura 1250°, disponibili
5775 Friday Venice
still life, 6" x 6" shop
Ex_ist 2 [re_configure/trans_late]
All Photo-Manipulations: February 2025
*Reconfigured Appropriated Texts [Translated]:*
This sense of adventure certainly doesn't come from events. A...
R. Love
R. Love watercolor on Khadi 13 x 9.5
Quiet Comforters
Quiet Comforters
oil on canvas
9x12 inch
*"The real subject of every painting is light."*
--Claude Monet
Delphine Completed
*This has been such an enjoyable project* *because I have been under no
pressure to get it completed in between quite a few summer visitors and
social oc...
Exposition cette semaine ! Vernissage le 5 décembre...
Soyez tous les bienvenus à cette "Flash Expo" qui si tient à Atelier du
Passage, dans le 17e Paris ! Vernissage le 5 décembre à 18h00 et exposition
le sam...
Pearl in Yellow
8 x 8 inches, oil on stretched canvas.
Shop Now
Drawing Session with Faculty & Staff at Fairmont State University I recently had the opportunity to teach a professional development session at Fairmont State University on 3 essential tools of drawing from observation. T...
My Blog Has Moved
I've moved over to a WordPress blog. You can find it here.
" Le bassin " La maison bleue Cap d'Antibes
The studio is full of new work and new excitement for the 2020 year ahead.
Later this month I will be in New York City to be one of the jurors
selected to ...
It has been traditional for me to leave partly finished work on my studio
bench just before the festive mayhem sets in. This helps me start again
after Ch...
Thanks so much to all who purchased one of my 2020 calendars! I was curious
which one would sell more: the intuitive painting calendar or the doodle
Kudos by Cusk and Two Important Reads
I finished the third book in the trilogy I have been writing about here by
Rachel Cusk. In the final book Kudos there are two passages about female
'Fall into Art': November 1, 2019
*(Delta Dawn, 36x36 Oil on gallery wrapped c)anvas*
Thirteen of my large oil paintings are part of of the Newberg Artwalk 'Fall
into Art': Friday, Nov 1, ...
An Upcoming Show at Galerie Art Plus
I'm really happy to be part of this group and wish to invite you to Galerie
Art Plus Group Show A+
Come and meet the artists : Pierre Bourbonnais, Éric Cay...
New Series of Flower Paintings
This is one of a series of recent flower paintings. They are inspired, in
part, by Manet's late flower paintings. The composition is simple and
frontal, ...
Jean Cooke (1927-2008)
Jean Cooke (ou Jean Bratby) est une artiste anglaise née à Londres en
1927. En 1943 elle commence à étudier le dessin d'après modèles vivants, le
dessin t...
Spring Blog 2019
Time to blog again! The hiatus has been too long. March nearly over,
clocks about to change and a two week break from teaching in a fews day
Pomegranates using Derwent's Lightfast Pencils
Hello folks, it's a windy Friday out there, and we're still trying to fix
damage from the last big storm! As promised, I am trying to post weekly
now. It h...
Manuel Arroyo y Lorenzo
[image: Manuel Arroyo y Lorenzo]
Manuel Arroyo y Lorenzo (Spanish 1854 - 1902)
Quick sketch
Just a small quick sketch with 2b pencil on cartridge paper.
Artist Residency in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, Montana
This past August, I completed a week-long Artist in Residence program with
the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Foundation where I hiked, drew,
identified pla...
San Diego Art Prize - Nomination
I'm super happy to announce I've been nominated for the *2016 San Diego Art
Prize for Emerging Artists* along with a group of amazing talents. The 2016
Painting Frocks (And Some Jackets)
Thurs 4th Feb
On thursday I began to tackle A Century Of Style , an exhibition I'd been
to a couple of weeks ago at Kelvingrove. I was very taken by the
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